Patti – Kanoa Surf

A girl named “Patti” was documented by the photographer Albert Moote on June 20th, 1976 skateboarding “The Channell” in the Hollywood Hills area. She’s cruising around the banks, including one spray-painted with graffiti calling it “The Jammer’s Wall.”

Before I noticed Patti’s name, I thought these were photos of Cara-Beth Burnside since she has a gritty style and similar haircut, but CB confirmed the photos are not her. There are a few “Pattys” from the era like Patty Monahan and Pattie Hoffman, but again the images don’t line up.

The crew of skateboarders are sponsored by Kanoa Surf, wearing t-shirts with their logo “The Channell.” Kanoa Surf was a store located in Rolling Hills Estates, CA next to the Palos Verdes Library and they often advertised in the early issues of Skateboarder magazine, such as Summer 1976 issue (Vol 2, No 1) and then the April 1976 issue (Vol 2, No 4), among others. But the ads are all focused on product rather than team members.

In a group photo one of the boys is holding up their longboard, dubbed “THE STONEDODGER,” which might be wishful thinking. Only one of the skaters is actually named in full, being John Turbiville (Turbeville ?). If anyone knows him, or has an inside scoop on Kanoa Surf, I’m sure this skater won’t be a mystery for too long!

The photos are part of the Donaldson Collection of Getty Images.

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